So my interview was last night, lasted a little over an many questions and I probably talked fast, but I think I appeared friendly, fun and bubbly. The guy who called was very nice and made it very easy to talk. I got to talk about my experiences in Taiwan which of course was fun because I love to talk about Taiwan! At the end of the call he said I should know in 4-5 days if I am accepted because they will send me a ton of information and a list of stuff they need from me. He told me on the phone that my experiences were a bonus and that I sounded like I'd make a great teacher and then in response to my thank you e-mail he said my experiences were unique and he's sure he'll talk to me again soon!!!! Trying not to read into things and trying not to get my hopes up :P I told mom and she said she's already talking like I'm going!!! AHHHHHHH I'm soooo excited. I know this is what I want to do and the fact that everything's coming together to make it happen is so great.
Ping Jia and Shou Hai

I talked to a past exchange student from Taiwan last night, pretty much part of our family. He says it's "unacceptable" because he's coming back to the states right before I go to Taiwan so we're gonna just miss each other :P And I talked to a past Taiwanese classmate this morning, pretty much my best friend, so now I'm even more excited to see all my old friends and classmates. She still keeps in touch with a few of my close friends and she'll help me with whatever when I'm over there. :D :D