This is something I have considered numerous times in my head, but never really put to paper (or computer), but recently I've been more motivated to figure things out, get things done, and be an adult haha. So, this is my Tentative Life Timeline where all events are subject to change :D
August 2007 - August 2009 = Teaching in Taiwan and taking online Grad classes
August 2009 - May 2010 = Graduate school
(with hopes to graduate, depending on how many classes I was able to take in Taiwan)
Summer 2010 = Either an international trip or large road trip :D
2010 - 2015 = Computer or advertising specific job with international possibilities
Summer 2015 = if not moving up in current job (or completely in love with it), start my own web design firm or change to new job
= if not married but financially established start to adopt kids / if married better have at least one child by now :D
2015 - 2019 = continue working and raising a family
2019 - 2022 = concentrate on Research doctorate
2023 - 2035 = if happy with current job continue, otherwise change to college professor
2036 - 2040 = travel the world to all the places I still want to go and haven't been and continue loving life :D
When I Grow Up...
6 years ago