For some of my classes this week I had to teach simple first aid things to do incase a fellow student would get a cut or sprain or something. I used Gretchen's puppet called "Teacher Ducky" for my examples, so he had a hell of a time.

Last weekend, Melanie, Natalie, Gretchen and I went to Taipei 101 because none of them had been in the observatory part. It was a partly cloudy day, but still tons of fun.
We were able to go to the outdoor observatory, so this is the very very top of the building.
Me, Natalie, Melanie, and Gretchen
In the background is the giant wind damper in the middle of the building to help during typhoons and earthquakes. As far as I know it's the only one that is open to the public. They started these "Damper babies" and they're all over the place.
A poster on the wall
Gretchen's pretending to look out at the view, while I am actually looking at the view haha
Delicious ice cream on the 89th floor.
Inside on the 5th floor.
Gretchen invited some teachers over to do some baking. It was a very exciting evening.
Snacks first
Teacher Gretchen goes into action teaching them how to bake
They want pictures of EVERYTHING!
Fiona's first time using a egg beater.
Everyone wants a turn
Nobody wanted to use the egg beater, so Eva whisked by hand
Chocolate chip cookies almost ready!
Alisa kept sneaking cookies to eat.
Yum yum!
She really didn't want to have her picture taken :)
One of my students gave me a balloon animal dog to take home. It had been sitting on the table for a few days and started shrinking in size. I was playing with it one day when part of it came apart, so I told Gretchen to pop it because I hate balloons.
Attempt number one:
And attempt number two:
Finally it was destroyed :)
Gavin - the pregnant Ninja
Karen - our newest Gorilla, still getting used to us