The middle and after - so yummy!! It was cool to see and hear him chop stuff up so fast.
Potatoes and butter, yum yum. They were really soft, I thought Megan and Dad would enjoy these a lot.
Potatoes and butter, yum yum. They were really soft, I thought Megan and Dad would enjoy these a lot.
I decided to chop all my hair off again. It's always so cute in this country when it's short. I think the humidity and water makes a big difference, plus a lot of people stare and complement on it since they never see curl like this. I sort of forgot about the whole haircut ritual here. It wasn't actually that expensive considering everything they did.
For about $25 I got there at 12:30 and started off with a neck and shoulder massage. My first massage ever (in any country) and very painful, I have extremely sensitive skin so I was cringing, but after the stressful/emotion week of a lot of overtime and Gretchen leaving I kept telling myself I needed it. Then I was taken behind a wall to sinks where I was put in a massage chair and the girl shampooed and conditioned my hair, during that time giving me a head massage. She put something else in my hair too, but I don't know what it was exactly.
After the massages were finished, another girl came, she was the one actually going to cut my hair. After Angela helped me explain I wanted it all chopped off, she started looking and found the little curls at the nape of my neck and preceded to say "so cute" (in Chinese) about 5 or 6 times during the actual hair cut process. Also during this time, 4 girls that I'm pretty sure worked there would stop near me and watch her cut my hair. It was a very interesting experience. After the cut was finished, they rinsed my hair out, styled it and dried it. Full service!!
My camera woman and translator, Angela!
The before shot.
The picture I brought in to give the hairdresser and idea of what I wanted. She was worried I wanted the same curls, Kari Russell has bigger curls, but I said not to worry, the more you cut the curlier it'll get!
Cutting it off!
Halfway finished, the back is so short I love it
We made a mess!
Finished and stylin!
After the Dragon Boat, Gretchen and I had a few hours of time to kill so we went on the gondola because she had never been. It was my second time, but just as fun.
This doesn't do well with my small fear of heights, but I get over it quickly with the awesome views!
She wasn't really expecting this picture, haha.
A little cafeteria like area.
We got yummy fruit drinks there!
Tea houses, Maokong mountain is famous for its tea and many tea houses.
I finished my drink quickly, so yummy!
This is probably one of my favorite pictures with Gretchen. We had to get a pic next to a giant teapot, wouldn't you??
I'm pretty sure this was a high school team.
This is a Filipino team, not sure if there was a specific US team, but saw a lot of foreigners that could have been American/Canadian.
The entrance to the festival. The walkway behind us is full of vendors. It kind of reminded me of a carnival or fair, only much smaller.
Corn dogs!! This was Natalie's first one ever. It was pretty good!
Here's a video that I took just because it's interesting to hear the drums and whistles for them to keep the rowing beat.
Doritos have been coming out with a lot of new flavors. When we had our baking party the girls brought over a bunch of snacks, this bag of chips was one of them. Yes, the picture on the bag is mozzarella sticks and marinara sauce, like something you'd get at a restaurant as an appetizer. Apparently, they've put those flavors into these chips, I'm not kidding you, I could taste it. They were actually good, but very strange. I don't know if new product ideas get tested here before they end up (or don't end up) in the US. But I've seen (and eaten) some strange stuff!
I've been wanting to work on my Chinese some more. But I can't afford classes at the moment and it's hard to practice my speaking when I work at a school that requires English only and when I go out I'm mainly using the same phrases over and over. So I decided to work on my writing until I have better opportunities. So I asked a co-teacher if she'd check my homework once a week (usually on Fridays). I told her to use a red pen and don't be nice! It's been going well and the other Chinese teachers help me out too.
I need to clean my room, I'm actually in the process right now. I hate cleaning, mainly because I get so distracted while I'm doing it. Not that I'm necessarily trying to procrastinate, but I just find things I want to look through or organize. I actually believe my room gets a lot messier while I clean. If I have an OCD, it comes out in full speed when I clean.
I do start cleaning with good intentions, but eventually I'll decide to alphabetize my books, or reorganize my closet, or, as the case was today, sort through my hair accessories.
This is what ended up happening. I completely moved everything and had specific spots for it all. I guarantee you in a week it'll be a mess again, but for now it looks nice :)
It mainly started with a need to organize my hair clips. I have so many just thrown into a box that I never use them because I have to dig to find matching ones. I came up with a way to keep them all separate and organized.
This is obviously a pointless blog, and I'll be waiting for the comments from my sister calling my a dork! I just find it interesting to pick out my weird habits. Next time I'll show you my bookshelves and explain how their organized by number of pages and titles!
Yesterday (Saturday) Gretchen, Natalie, Melanie and I went into Taipei city to see Indiana Jones (it wasn't bad by the way). We had some time to waste before the movie so we went to some nearby stores to do some shopping. For the longest time I've wanted a purse like I see so many women have. They're huge!! My first thought when I see them is how many books could I fit inside?!? Finally, I found one that I liked and got it. It wasn't too expensive and it's orange. I haven't tested to see how many books I can put inside, but I am excited to find out ;) I may be a nerd, but I'm a nerd with style!!