Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ok, maybe I am crazy..
I try to wake up between 6:00 and 6:30 and leave for school between 7:00 and 7:30. I don't really have to be to school until 8:30, but I like getting there early, I'm more productive and I enjoy having the office to myself for awhile.
I always teach Monday-Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday I teach 2:00pm-4:00pm and 4:40-6:10pm
Tuesdays I have my afternoons off starting at 2:oopm
Everyday I have 12:00-2:00pm as a break and planning period, but there's usually meetings going on during that time too.
So this doesn't seem to bad, a full schedule, but doable. Is this enough for Marisa? No.
I also teach hours at Joy, our sister school, downtown.
Tuesday - 6:40-8:40
Thursday - 7:40-8:40
Friday - 7:40-8:40 (this is a newly added class)
Tuesday's is ok since I have the whole afternoon off anyways.
Thursdays and Fridays I chose teaching the later time so I actually have time to get from Uncle Sam to Joy. So even though there's a break from when I finish at Uncle Sam at 6:10 to when I teach at Joy at 7:40, there's taking the bus, eating dinner, and planning the class.
So a normal work week for me is
29 teaching hours at Uncle Sam
4 teaching hours at Joy
21 prep/commuting hours at Uncle Sam and Joy
On top of that I have my online class for my Master's at Wayne State, and I have a test coming up so I should be studying :P and I'm trying to fit in some more Chinese learning on the weekends! So if my posts are infrequent which I know they are, it's because by the time I get to the weekend to actually have time to write stuff -- I'm too damn tired!! hehe. Guess I'm officially a workaholic...am I crazy?? I hope not!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Today I went to a BBQ with some Uncle Sam teachers, at a co-workers house in the mountains. After lots (and lots) of food, we played with water balloons (pictures soon hopefully), and then went to another house and sang some Karaoke. It was a lot of fun and has me motivated to go out more. I get to Friday and the end of my week I'm just so tired I don't want to leave my comfy bed again until Monday morning. So I'm attempting to change that, and we'll see if that helps how I'm feeling during the rest of the week. Plus it'll give me interesting stuff to post every week (and I will attempt to post every week!)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Dance Time
I teach extra hours at Joy Language School, and I usually get there at least an hour early so I can plan my lesson. Most of the time there's other kids there doing some private study or working on homework and things for class. Two of my students where there one day and when they're there I don't get any work done! So I pulled out my camera and we had some fun!
My new class
I've been asked to teach some older classes. G level classes they're called. It's Elementary kids that usually go to a Chinese elementary school then come to Uncle Sam afterwards for English classes. I originally started with one class from 4:30-6:00 (which is considered overtime :D) and for the first 3 weeks there were only 3 students. Now that the new semester has started it's up to 16 students, most of which are brand new to English classes. I have some pictures of the 3 boys I had in the beginning, and I'm hoping to get some more pictures next week at the birthday party of the rest of the class. It's a loud, rowdy class, but it's fun that way!
My boys - Peter, Leo and Hubert
Leo - the wildest one
Hubert - the smartest of the three but he gets silly sometimes Peter - he's the newest, but most determined
My new home!
I decided I wanted to live by myself this year, so around August 15th I moved to my new apartment :D
Living room, with a very small couch.
Looking from my front door - kitchen on the left, bedrooms on the right
Little bar/sitting area looking between the kitchen and bedrooms
Spare bedroom - everyone's invited for a visit!
Closet space in my bedroom - there's so much room!
Kitchen with door to laundry room
Huge shoe closet! Bathroom with plenty of counter space just for me
Say Cheese
Home Sweet Home
Sorry I've been on vacation for about a month it seems. I went back to the states from July 22-Aug 2 and had a great time. Now I'm back in the swing of things at work. Signed a new contract with the same school. They asked me to stay and I liked that idea more than going to a brand new school and starting all over. So one more year at Uncle Sam. I have had some moments of homesickness because I miss the people I got to spend 10 days with, but I also love my kids, so it gets tough.
I drove a car (and rode in many) for the first time in a year!
Lots of shots!
Lots of karaoke - something that is hugely popular in Taiwan.
I love my sister!
I was cold in Nebraska in July!
The best bro-in-law
Sisters and best friends!
Played a whole lot of Guitar Hero
My brother.
Best friend ever!!
Fun times!