Twice in one day I've had to deal with ignorant people, one of which choses not to see things as they are in meaning, but just takes them at face values and the other who just truly does not understand the way life works. Now, I will make it clear I am in no way saying that I know how things should be or how things work nor am I trying to state that I am better or smarter than them or anything like that, they are both intelligent people....I think every person is intelligent in some ways. Some of my friends are more street smart than me and I am more book smart than them. I like to observe these things which is how I noticed the two I've interacted with recently.

The first one: we got into a debate, basically about morals and choices. There was a situation where this guy had so much pressure from his mother to be perfect, to be "special" that he killed people, thinking it would make him "perfect" in his mothers eyes. Now I never would condone murder, I would never try to kill anyone for any reason lol, but I do understand, to a point, his motive. I've made a lot of choices in my life, thinking that they would please certain people, most of my larger decisions have been made in attepts to get my parents "approval" specifically my father, but over time I realized I already had their approval from the get go. My friend doesn't understand how a person could make choices based on someone else, external motivation, as he calls it. What's funny is, he doesn't even realize the decisions he's made based on others. And no matter how much debate is done, he'll eventually end the conversation because he just doesn't understand...in his mind, the guy was a murderer, therefore he is and will always be a bad person no matter what, he just sees the surface and that's all he wants to see.

The second one: a more personal issue because it involves relationships and trust and choices yet again. She won't listen to anyone because she wants to live her own life "fight her own battles" without anyone's help, she want's to be by herself. Although I am very pleased she wants to make her own decisions, she makes it sound like she's going to cut herself off from the world, which is funny because the decision she's working on right now does involve others. This goes back to the last argument about making decisions based on others. She's a teenager, she's still living at home for now and she thinks all her decisions are being made by her parents (some by her friends probably) and so she seems angry. Like I already said, people influence our decisions, but won't make them for us if we let them. She feels like none of her choices have been her own so she just chooses to disregard anything anyone has to say, eventually she'll shut out everyone and then realize she has nothing.

I make my own choices, I do not regret any of them. I will admit that certain people influence my choices greatly. Where I went to college was a decision I based mainly on my parents, but plans I make in the evening are obviously based on friends, going to Taiwan is a decision I made on my own and I'm lucky that even though it's hurting people for me to leave, they are truly very supportive. Every person that has an opinon on something I'm saying or doing and shares it with me, I will listen, wether I have history with them or not, good or bad, I will at least listen because in my mind every person is important in some way and I always believe people are generally good until I'm shown otherwise. Now wether this is a bad theory or not on people, it is my own and generally, it works for me. You can't get away from heart break or problems, especially by being or pretending to be ignorant...it's not just gonna go away, I know, I've tried lol. And just deciding not to know or care...just being ignorant, is not going to make you happy, not in the end at least.
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