Sunday, August 5, 2007

I'm ready....

It's been awhile since I "blogged" so, thought we might need an update. I went to my grandmother's house Wednesday-Friday last week and then had a garage sale Friday and Saturday, so spent all day Sunday getting rid of what was left over from the sale and here we are.

It was nice spending time with my grandma, one on one. Usually, I don't like being around her because she can be a smartass as bad as me and sometimes the things she says actually hurt a bit. I wanted to go though because I wanted someone to talk to about everything going on. Sometimes with people I feel like I'm dominating the conversation with talk of Taiwan and everything going on. But with grandmothers...they love to listen! It was great spending 3 days just to talk (we all know I'm good at it!). It gave me a lot of time to think about things too and just relax, which is what I really needed. I almost didn't want to come home, but I knew I had a lot of stuff to do around here.

Garage sale was pretty good Friday night, very slow Saturday, but some stuff got sold and my main goal was to get rid of my stuff rather than make money, so it went pretty good overall. Plus most of the stuff we didn't sell we took to Goodwill today which makes me feel good knowing someone might get my stuff and like it like I did :D My good deed for the day!

It's two days till I go to New York City with my sister. I'm so excited! And I'm even more excited to be sharing this trip with my sister. We used to hate each other, beat the crap out of each other. I'd tickle her till it hurt and then she'd pull out her claws and I'd run away crying, seriously, it was pretty bad. But then she moved away, and what is the saying?? Distance makes the heart grow fonder....totally true in this case. Now she's my best friend, the one person I tell everything to and, even though she doesn't necessarily want to know everything, she'll listen anyways, and that's hard to find in people. So the fact that I am going to my favorite city in the US with my favorite person in the world is pretty awesome. And don't worry, we're taking two digital cameras so that we get pictures of everything!

I realized tonight that I'm completely ready to go to Taiwan, mentally ready that is (packing is a bitch, excuse the language lol). I'm ready to be done with the over dramatic, drinking, partying, stupid, lazy, materialistic, immature and selfish values that America is built on. Don't get me wrong, I will probably run into these same things no matter where I go, but it never seems to be as bad as it is here. And I'm sure I have some of these qualities on occasion, but I'm ready to grow up, I'm ready to be out in the big world. Taiwan will be a good place to grow up. The people there are some of the nicest in the world and I always try my hardest to be a good/nice person. I'm no angel, but I think I do pretty good. I would do anything to help the person next to me, whether I know them very well or not. I put everyone else in before me, which is good I think, although sometimes it gets tough because if you're always putting others first, you have to remember to take time for yourself too. Dad always told me he'd rather I be too good than not good enough, and I always remember that when I'm bending over backward for someone. But this time my decision to go to Taiwan is all for me. I tried hardest not to consider anyone else in this decision, I did it for me and it feels so good. Believe me, I had many occasions where I almost completely changed my mind because of people around me. I have so much empathy and I was just thinking about how sad some people will be to see me go, but then I realized that I need this. I need a change, different scenery, I'm ready for something new. It would be so boring to just stick around here, get a normal desk job and go through the motions. I'd hate it so much, I know I would. I can't be normal I guess and I like being different. Makes me feel more unique. This is right for me and I'm ready, no doubt anymore.

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