This morning was our trip to the Taipei Zoo. It was fun, but tiring at the same time. Trying to keep 12 little people in order as we walk around is not easy. At one point they wanted them to walk two by two, like the buddy system....I can barely get them to walk one by one!! It was fun though. I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked because I was busy keeping them in order, but I did get some really great ones. All of these kids are in my homeroom (K1Gorillas), so they aren't the little little ones, but the little ones :P
This is Dora waiting outside the zoo all redy to go inside.
Attempt # 1 at a group photo
(Jasper, William, Dora, Candy, Polly, Vicky)
Attempt #2
(Ken, Selina, William, Dora, Polly, Vicky, Emily)
Lunch time, they made sack lunches for everyone.
Close up at lunch time, Emily was yelling at me so I took a picture.
Candy sat with me on the benches to eat lunch because there wasn't enough chairs for everyone.
Leo and Vicky
Emily - one of my favorites, she's very smart!
Playtime after lunch, just running around.
(Gavin, Vicky, Emily, Candy)
Getting rid of all that energy!!
This has to be my favorite picture. This is William, a newer student that can't understand much and likes to run wild. The fact that he actually stayed still for this is amazing!!
Candy could not stand still at all
Vicky and her froggy friend
They had an area near the bathroom of decorated styrafoam poo and this big plastic poo shape that the kids could climb in....don't ask me why!
Trying to stand in line to head back to school
Emily was sleeping but she woke up when she almost fell over :P
Candy was sleeping but woke up, sat on the floor and went back to sleep, so I had to take a picture lol
Teacher Pheobe borrowed my camera to get a picture of Candy because it was so funny.
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