Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Hey, my blogs not so bad...

Randomly searching through blogs, because I'm bored and don't want to go to bed (what else is new). I guess you can put in the link to your blog and have it's worth estimated...mine's not too bad surprisingly, and since I've only had it up for what? Less than two weeks? Just thought it was interesting.

My blog is worth $564.54.
How much is your blog worth?

Anyways, happy 4th a day late. We did TONS of fireworks since it was mommy's birthday too. Pretty awesome night, Megan should have pics up soon. Someday, in the future, when gadgets are attached to our person, my hand will be a cell phone and Megan's will be a camera. She pulls out that thing all the time!! I'm so impressed lol.


Jenn said...

Ok...what's up with this blog worth deal? I've had mine for what, 3 years and the equation says it's worth a big fat ZERO dollars! No darn young whipper snapper :)

Congrats on Taiwan!

Marisa said...

Well although I haven't been doing this long, I do have a reputation of talking...a lot. Finally I've found a place where I can chatter constantly without the complaints of my family!! Works out good for everyone :)

And thanks..I'm SUPER excited!!!