Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'm tired, it's been a long week and it's only Wednesday.  I've been trying to upload photos on a website for the past hour and it hasn't been going well, so I'm going to post some pictures here for your enjoyment, but there might not be much detail....ENJOY :D

The happy little bumblebee, Melanie.

Natalie trying some different costume ideas (she was actually trying on her new USAS sweatshirt and moving her pumpkin costume out of the way, but I found this arrangement amusing)
Kate and her nephew, Caster, the newest addition to the Gorillas.

Eden and Rain

Polly had the cutest witches dress.

Angela, a little angel

Wendi was not a happy ladybug.

Kevin is hiding behind his trick-or-treat bag

Walking down the street...two by two!

Getting ready to sing at a bakery

Singing at McDonalds.

Making some noise at a cell phone store.

Happy Kangaroos with Teacher Natalie

Some pretty tired Gorillas and Teacher Marisa

Natalie and Kate waiting for the bus.              

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Let's Chat

I have 20 minutes before my "bedtime", so I'll take the time to blog. Which is another way of procrastinating on the many other things I should be doing. This week is way to busy...and it's only Tuesday. It's 'PTA' week at Uncle Sam, and I use PTA loosely because it just means the parents come visit and tour the school and also sit in on one of your classes. The class they sit in on is over prepared and done up with more activities than you would normally do to make it look good for the school. Lucky me, I have to PTAs to do. One for my homeroom kids, my Gorillas, on Thursday, and one for the Pandas tomorrow. I'm doing the Pandas because quite a few of them used to be Gorillas so they're used to me, and since we're currently one foreign teacher short I didn't mind.

On top of PTA, this week is busy for my online class through WSC. I had a test to take Monday was like 10 pages long! I think I actually did ok, but the weekend of studying stressed me out a bit. I have homework due on American Tuesday and Thursday (one of the main things I'm procrastinating, thanks to the 13 hour time difference!) and another test in two weeks.

Also in two weeks there's a birthday party that I'm in charge of, a trick or treat outing, and a haunted house that I'm also in charge of...slowly I am learning to say 'no' to extra things :)

It's safe to say I'm stressed and worn out. And for the past few weeks I've been having a pretty hard time, to the point where I've considered coming home quite permanently. I'm just at that point where I ask myself why I'm still here. It doesn't help that I have other people ask me the same question. The first year was an adventure, now that it's sort of the same thing, I think I'm bored. And yes, if I was in the states at a job, I could end up just as bored. But chances are, a job in America will be some sort of position or company that I would plan on staying with for many years and move up in the organization. It would be a job with a future, a career. Here in Taiwan, teaching is not a career, I can't move up in my position. It's a yearly contract to do the same thing over and over.

Feeling like I'm not going anywhere, when I've based my life on moving forward, making goals, and doing it as fast as I can, is really hard for me. As a freshman in high school I was researching colleges. College that I completed in 3 years instead of 4. Mom knew the day the next semester's class schedule came out to bring me home a copy, and that night I'd start listing the possible classes I could take. Planning and organizing, setting goals and schedules are habits that I can be quite obsessive about. Although most of the time I write out the schedule better than I actually follow them. I know I once blogged a whole 'life plan', and I'm not so obsessive that I freak out if things don't follow my plans, I know stuff can change, and I actually like change (explains moving to Taiwan!). So maybe I'm not getting enough change right now and I feel stuck. Who knows?

And I can't deny that some of this is probably homesickness. I miss my family and the few friends I'm close to. Although I do have friends here and people I hang out with, and people I will miss when I do decide to return to Nebraska, it's still hard because a lot of them I haven't known for that long, or if I have, they're Chinese so explaining emotions and feelings can get a bit tricky. I am lucky though because my two main supervisors I consider good friends, and when I first started questioning whether I should stay my full year I felt comfortable enough to talk to them and try to explain how I was feeling. Which helped me to decided that at least for now I plan to finish my contract, but will be taking a vacation for a full two weeks at Christmas, to go home and see if that helps. Xmas and New Years at home will do more help than hurt and I hope will give me the kick I need to finish what I started.

Maybe once October's over and all these extra things we have going on come to an end my feelings will change. We'll have to wait and see.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A healthy obsession?...Dad's not gonna like this.

It is far more seemly to have a Studie full of Books, than they Purse full of money. - John Lyly

People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading. - Logan Pearsall Smith

Today I decided I needed a break from all the stress (and right now there's a lot of stress), so I decided to travel into Taipei to my favorite place: the Eslite Mall. Sounds like a normal girls shopping spree right? I walk in, past the boutiques of bags and shoes, dresses and jackets, straight to the escalator taking me to the 2nd floor - the beginning floor with 4 more above it, all filled with books. I don't spend much time on the 2nd floor, it's mainly magazines and electronics. Most of my time is spent on the 3rd floor - general literature and the 5th floor - music/movies and stationary stuff. Just walking through rows of books, Chinese and English, makes me happy. The fact that I literally get lost in this place puts a smile on my face. And although I spent too much money there (oops) it's fun to just go and see the books and watch the people. People are sitting on benches and chairs reading, or they just find a random corner to occupy. It's quite like a library, yet not so restricted.

There are a lot of people like me, people who need books the way they need air. - Richard Marek

I only bought 3 books, some little gifts and 2 notebooks, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. One of the notebooks is a reader's journal, I figured it would be good because when I read a great book I want to talk about it a lot, this way I can write about it instead and not completely annoy/confuse Mom. The notebook it had a lot of quotes, which is another thing I love. And there's one that really seemed to fit well with me: "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." St. Augustine.

I enjoy reading, it takes me away from what's going on in reality for awhile and into whatever world I'm reading about, a mini-escape. And I enjoy writing, journals/blogs, stories, poems, a release of things inside that sometimes make more sense on paper. Healthy obsessions that sometimes empty my pockets and weigh down my luggage (sorry Dad!), but help me relax and realize life doesn't always have to be so fast paced and stressed. Sometimes it's good to just curl up in bed with a book and read the day away.