Monday, January 5, 2009

Party like it's 1999

Although in 1999 I would have been 14, so I was probably "partying" with my parents.  This New Year's I actually had a lot of fun.  I was back in the states for two weeks: December 21-January 2.  It was a wonderful vacation and I'm not ready to be back in Taiwan teaching my babies, but I'll get back into the swing of things soon I'm sure. 

New Years Eve consisted of a small get together at Mom and Dads house with friends until about 9:30 when my sister and I headed downtown to the bar to meet up with friends.  It was a lot of fun, especially compared to last year when I worked until 9:30 pm and then sat at home alone (that sounds really pathetic).  Anyways, my pictures are always more enjoyable than my words, and I have intentions of writing more posts with more pictures of current events so I'll just get on with it.



Megan and me hanging out with are awesome new year hats.


The first shot of the night (of many). Shocker shot, Megan's favorite.




The cute couple :)


Next shot of the night, at my request: tequila.  Megan was scared.


And I think tequila was her least favorite!


The Skittles shot - tastes like a rainbow!


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! The bar served champagne right at midnight.


This shot was so good, I had two of them. 


And this is when it becomes obvious that we've all had a bit to much to drink.


Because we are way to happy :)


And I'm not even sure what to say to this....

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