Saturday, March 29, 2008

What's going on?

So, it's been exactly a week since my family has visited and gone back home, and I haven't had any time to be online because the day after they were gone I was thrown back into work and wasn't as prepared as I should have been.  But it went all right although I had to make up some missed hours from my week's vacation so I ended up pretty tired by the end of every day. 

There's nothing going on this weekend.  Gretchen is in the city all weekend because she's training for a conference she's going to in Australia in April (and yes I'm insanely jealous!)  I finished the book my mom brought me yesterday so I will have to spend some time picking out a new one to begin out of the 15+ I have on my shelves (it is a tough decision!). 

Tonight from 7-8 is Earth Hour so I will be sitting in the dark, or at least by candlelight with no electricity or any other power going.  I'm tempted to see how well I can do the dishes, otherwise I might just nap lol. 

This week at work will be a short one because we get Friday off for Tomb Sweeping Day, Megan and I thought of comparing it to Memorial Day back home.  Gretchen has invited me to hang out with her and friends in Taipei City for that day and I haven't decided yet on my plans.  The school's monthly birthday party is on Wednesday, pajama party theme and there will be an Easter egg hunt, so I'm excited, but it also cuts into my teaching time even more. 

Seemingly uneventful but always fun and exciting.

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