Thursday, July 19, 2007


So, I rarely remember my dreams. I know I have dreams all the time but it's vary unlikely that I will wake up and know what I dreamt about. Last night however, was very different. I don't know if my state of mind just wanted me to remember or what. I like to attempt to analize my dreams too, figure out where certain things come from, and with the dreams I had last night, it's very easy :)

First one: I was driving around in a large van with my baby, yes I guess I had a baby, a girl, but I don't know if she had a name. Something big was going on, the heat index (although I have no clue what that is) was at 9% and in dream that meant that things were going really bad and everyone was freaking out that the world was going to end because of the heat. So I stepped up and was determined to save the world and I got a small army of random people together (they all magically fit in my van). We parked at a park sort of thing for awhile and I looked down a street and saw my sister and mother sitting in an office or living room. I walked over to them with my baby girl because they had never met her before. We talked for a bit and then someone yelled over at me that we needed to go. I looked at Mom and Megan and realized I would never see them again so I started to cry and they started to cry too. I went back over to the van and everyone was getting in. I swear this van was huge considering all the people inside it! And then I woke up :P So for now the world is safe hehe

Second one: I was at a small comedy club with the tiny two-person tables and there was a man sitting at the table with me. Bill Cosby was the comedian and he was going around to the different tables asking couples how many times they had kissed that day. Most only said once, one couple said they hadn't kissed at all, so then they were forced to kiss in front of him. He came over to our table and the guy at my table said we'd kissed 3 times today, which wasn't enough for Bill and we had to kiss again. So the guy gave me a peck on the lips and when he pulled away I saw it was D, my ex. Bill didn't like the peck and we had to kiss again, a "better" kiss, which D wasn't happy about doing and I had chocolate in my mouth lol. But it was a good dream kiss :P

We'll have to wait and see what happens in dreamland tonight!

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