Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Religious Talk

I don't usually discuss such topics unless someone comes at me first. Which tecnically in this case someone did start the conversation. Someone I didn't know read my blog about my life in a nutshell and sent me e-mails, just normal ones to begin with, but then they slowly got into the topic of religious views. One e-mail of hers ended asking "If you were to die, would you be in Heaven?" Which got me started:

As for dying and going to Heaven, that's a difficult subject. In my mind, when I was really depressed this was how I looked at it. Everyone would try to tell me how suicide is a sin and all of that, I got tired of hearing it and the truth is my belief in God goes back and forth. So finally, I realized that I don't believe in God when I'm that depressed, so then suicide isn't a sin. And because I thought this way then Heaven and Hell don't exsist, so when I die I'm just gone.

Since my last attempt, 4 people close to me have died, so I've tried really hard to believe they are in Heaven, or at least in a better place, because it is hard to think that they're just gone. My beliefs in God are still iffy, I still go back and forth, I haven't been to church for quite a few months, and even then I only went because I was in the bell choir and because I love music. It's funny though because I have 4 different types of Bibles and I was part of a college youth group for most of my years at Wayne State.

Religion is an interesting issue for me and if I'm babbling you don't have to continue reading lol. Since I've lived in Taiwan I got very interested in Buddhism, Confucianism and even before that trip I've always been interested in religion. I also do a lot of chatting online and have had relationships with a Jehovah's Witness, Mormons, Catholics, Wiccans, Atheists, and most recently a Satanist. I was raised Methodist, Christian, so it's very interesting for me to learn about all these different things. Right now I would tell someone I'm Agnostic because I'm still figuring things out. Of all the religions I prefer Buddhism because it is so open, someone can be Buddhist, Confucious and Christian and the same time. It has less boundries and rules. I just kind of create my own values and morals that fit me. If that fits a specific religion, eventually I'll figure that out and be that, but until then I don't label myself :)

So that was my response to her question, like I said, once you get me started I can go on forever...I may not be exactly sure of what religion I fit into, but I know what I believe. After my response she wrote back and I realized I had just walked into something and didn't even realize it. Now she's trying to convince me to find God, giving me links and telling me how wonderful He is and how much she loves Him. I have no problem with someone's faith, what they believe, it's their own choice, but don't try to push it on me. I wrote her again polietly telling her I'm not interested in changing my beliefs right now. Honestly, I'm not worried that I'm going to die and my soul is gonna be stuck in limbo because I didn't choose God. I'm not trying to offend anyone with what they may believe, I'm just me and I'm not going to change yet and if I do, it will be on my own terms. I told her "thanks anyways though" at the end of the e-mail and she wrote me back again:

"So many people feel its offensive when you try to show them the way of salvation. But, the Bible tells the Christian to go out quickly and compel them to come in. (Be zealous about telling people the awesome message of God's love for them, and His grace). But, I hope you really do believe that you have a part in were you end up. I'll be praying for you to understand that death is real, Heaven and Hell are real. I'll be praying for you to realize that you have to alone make the choice to accept or reject Christ, and that not accepting is just rejecting. It's all up to you on that one. The devil has alot of things out there that look interesting but the only way to Heaven is to ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and forgive and save you and believe on HIM for salvation... All you have to do is ask Him, you know? It's so simple.

But, I do know that I can talk forever about my Lord, because whatever you truly love is what you will find you talk about most in life, so I guess I love Him more and more every day! LOL I'm so glad I have His help, because if I didn't I don't know what I'd do when things get rough. I couldn't make it if I couldn't pray to God!!!!

I believe you have the right to believe whatever you want. That's the right God gives to us all.

Unfortunately, He gave up everything just so we wouldn't have to die and go to Hell, but people just see Him as someone who may or may not have been, may or may not have been the Messiah...

My beliefs are strong, and I don't wish to push them on you to be YOUR BELIEFS. Only you can decide what you believe. I'm just telling you what I believe.

God love you very much, and I will keep praying for you to understand that satan and other beliefs are not the way. Satan is a deciever. He is real. But, he can't save you and will never love you, there is no truth or live in him.

I just hope that you accept the Lord as Saviour, but if you had to go some other route, I would sure hope it wasn't satanism of all things. He doesn't care anything about you. When satan's done with his children, he dumps them into a ditch somewhere.

When people who are saved and love God die, it's just like life envelopes them, and there is no sting. That's the way I want to go!

I'm so glad we met, and I will pray for you. I can't tell you what to do, but, I hope you pray and ask God to show you what's right.

It's not about focusing on death or dying, it's about our eternal home... true peace, and having the best Friend ever! The real friend with the real power.

There's nothing like being able to talk about the greatest friend you have, and mine is God. You talk about those you love, and I LOVE GOD!

He makes great people, people like you!!!

But, we have to do things his way, and before He will answer any other prayer for us, we have to pray and ask Him to save us from ourselves and sin and all."

My response to this:

I'm doing fine as usual. I'm not necessarily offended, it was just a little unexpected. I don't normally listen when people talk this way because I feel that they are preaching at me and it doesn't matter what you'd say anyways because I make my own choices, my own educated choices. I know that death is real, there's no reason for it not to be, and I know that heaven and hell are real to some extent. And you're right, I alone have to make the choice, or not make it, to accept Christ.

And I never once said I was interested in Satanism. Except for the fact that it is a religion that is very misjudged by people that choose not to even attempt to understand anything outside of what they know, it is not something I choose to believe in because it doesn't necessarily follow my values. Why you think I am interested in Satan at all I do not know, but assumptions such as those sometimes come from people that don't really listen.

Have a good day

Was I too harsh?? I haven't recieved a response yet. Not that I expect one, but like my father, I love to debate :D

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